Den Lysende Sti | Allehelgensvandring | Ølstykke Kirke

Den lysende sti

Explore light and dark on All Hallow’s Eve

Den Lysende Sti |Event actor and assistant set design | Ølstykke Kirke

31st of October
Egedal Rådhus through the path down to Ølstykke Kirke
Free, open for everyone

Den Lysende Sti

Not everything on Halloween needs to be about splat, blood and guts.
Ølstykke Church has created a more lighthearted experience for children of all ages, where you can explore the stories behind All Hallows Eve through an interactive storytelling.

Follow the torches on the enchanted path through the suburb town and meet the storytellers.

I will be playing the kantele, singing, telling stories and acting the role of one of the mysterious and lovely characters you will meet on your wandering on Den Lysende Sti.

Together with Marika we have designed the visual aspects of the experience, including costumes and light design to create a magical and memorable experience for kids of all ages.

Press mentions:
Sjællandske Nyheder | Kultunaut