Hellige Høne (Holy Hen)
Short film by director Tanne Sommer
Score by Clara Kokseby
Studio vocalist, conductor of live choir
Release date:
22nd of November 2021
Kirsten Lehfeldt, Anders Birchow, Steffen Hoffmeyer and more.
Creative K.I.D.
Filmværkstedet København
‘Hellige Høne’ (Holy Hen) is director Tanne Sommer’s equally whimsical and dark brainchild shortfilm.
When she and composer Clara Kokseby asked me if I wanted to help out in the production, I was sold already on the title alone!
The task was arranging for SATB choir and conducting choir for the recording of two hymns featured in the song and adding some vocal layers on the original score.
We recorded audio with Anders Norddal at Sankt Bendt’s cathedral in Ringsted.
A stunning room to work in, majestic archways, golden chandeliers and a reverb to die for!
I helped create a production plan to make sure everyone was there on time and that we spent our recording hours in the breathtaking acoustic location in a sensible manner.
Working real-time with the director and the composer, we created multiple takes with different feelings and expressions to find the perfect sound.
Back at Otherworld Studios, I added my own vocal layers on top of Clara Kokseby’s score in addition to the choir recordings.
I worked in Logic Pro X, recording several dubs of each choir part with a slight variation in the sound of each, creating a massive and bombastic sound, perfect for the magical character of the score.